Volkswagon Passat 1.8T

The Toyota Avensis (1.8) that I am currently driving is at the company car park bay, waiting to be towed to the mechanic in order for its tyre to be changed. I got a flat tyre last Friday, and it takes 5 days for it to be changed (apparently in Europe)!!! On Monday, I was searching high and low for a mechanic in Bratislava that can change the tyres for me. I found one at Dubravka, near my place… mana tau they don’t have stock… wah piang, because of that, I drove 2 HOURS!!! to office (can’t speed ma, spare tyre very small, takut explode).

So now, while waiting for the tyre to be changed, I’m driving the Volks; sweet experience, though the mileage already touching 180k. Powerful engine (you can FEEEEL the accelaration man) and heated seats (eh, here cold k, you don’t want to have a frozen behind after driving) are the 2 things that caught my attention after driving it for 2 days. But, an old car as it is, once you press the autolock, the locking sound is so LOUD, you’d think the 4 doors would fall off.

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